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      Biggest After Hour Movers in the US Market

      By Wasim Omar

      Published on

      November 20, 2023

      2:51 PM UTC

      Biggest After Hour Movers in the US Market

      Moving through the pulsating heart of the US stock market, we find ourselves at a critical juncture. The S&P 500, recovering with a rapid 10% surge since July’s setback, presents a complex narrative, as we move out of the US stock market off days 2023.

      We shift our focus to the intriguing interplay between multiple expansion and dwindling earnings estimates for the upcoming quarters. Amidst projections of a robust 10% growth in 2024 earnings, there’s an undercurrent of caution as inflation rates show signs of easing.

      Join us in unraveling the layers of this market drama—as is signaled by the day’s biggest after hour movers, which are great indicators of what the market mood is like, especially amid earnings releases this month.

      Today, we dissect the intricate threads shaping the biggest after hour movers, and we’ll navigate through the fine balance between speculation and fundamental shifts while exploring the forces that may redefine the trajectory of these stocks.

      Today’s Top After Hour Winners

      Let’s get to the main part of our article. The list below highlights the absolute biggest after hour movers during the afterhours session.

      Because of their momentum, they are likely to be climbing upward well into this week:

      Ticker Company Name Price % Change
      GVP GSE Systems, Inc. 2.86 9.58
      LINK Interlink Electronics, Inc. 12.42 9.63
      EDSA Edesa Biotech, Inc. 3.42 13.62
      SLNG Stabilis Solutions, Inc. 5.39 15.67
      CTCX Carmell Therapeutics Corporation Class A 2.7 21.62
      1. GSE Systems, Inc.

        GSE Systems’ (GVP) notable 9.58% climb in after-hours trading reflects the company’s strategic positioning within the evolving nuclear industry. A trigger for this rush seems to be its recent earnings call, where management pointed to several positive updates.

        As global momentum for nuclear energy grows to meet decarbonization goals, GSE stands out with a focus on upgrading existing facilities rather than new builds. This shift aligns with the economic reality of higher interest rates and inflation, discouraging nonessential projects.

        GSE’s success in securing orders, including a $15 million contract to modernize a nuclear power plant’s control room, underscores its resilience. The company’s improved financial performance in Q3 2023, with positive adjusted EBITDA for the first time in two years, signals a turnaround.

        Despite industry conservatism, GSE’s diversified projects and emphasis on higher-margin ventures position it favorably for sustained growth, among other biggest after hour movers.

      2. Interlink Electronics, Inc.

        Interlink Electronics, Inc.’s (LINK) robust 9.63% jump in the after-hours market signals noteworthy opportunities for traders eyeing the day’s biggest after hour movers.

        With a 66% increase in Q3 2023 revenue, reaching $3.1 million, and a substantial 77% surge in year-to-date revenue to $10.4 million, the company demonstrates significant growth.

        This surge, which comes after the weekend’s US stock market off days, is attributed to the acquisition of gas-sensor and membrane keypads operations, fueling a 67% rise in gross profit to $1.5 million.

        Notably, the force-sensing technology leader reports a narrowed loss from operations, standing at $92,000 for Q3, a marked improvement from the prior year.

        The CEO, Steven N. Bronson, expresses optimism, anticipating record-level revenues. Traders keen on potential acquisitions and organic growth should monitor Interlink Electronics as it positions itself for continued success in diverse markets, including medical devices, automotive, and consumer electronics.

      3. Edesa Biotech, Inc.

        Edesa Biotech, Inc.’s (EDSA) noteworthy surge of 13.62% in the after-hours market demands cautious consideration from traders.

        As a biopharmaceutical company focused on inflammatory and immune-related diseases, its diverse clinical studies indicate potential breakthroughs in various medical fronts. However, the lack of news explaining the sudden uptick raises concerns, suggesting a possible pump-and-dump scenario.

        Traders must exercise prudence, considering the stock’s proximity to its 52-week low and an alarming 85% decline from its 52-week high. This volatility underscores the importance of thorough research before engaging, as the absence of clear catalysts demands scrutiny.

        Traders navigating Edesa Biotech’s trajectory should tread carefully, recognizing the risks associated with sudden market movements and the absence of readily available explanations.

      4. Stabilis Solutions, Inc.

        Stabilis Solutions, Inc.’s (SLNG) surge in after-hours trading is crucial for traders eyeing the energy sector, especially during these US stock market opening days.

        The company dominates in small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) production and distribution, catering to industrial, midstream, and oilfield sectors in North America. Stabilis also offers turnkey fuel solutions, positioning itself as a go-to for converting users from traditional fuels to LNG.

        Notably, the Power Delivery segment provides global energy solutions, expanding its reach. What makes Stabilis stand out is its robust financials, consistently generating positive cash flows and boasting a healthy balance sheet.

        With $4.9 million in cash, $3.7 million in credit facilities, and a low net debt-to-EBITDA ratio of 0.7x, the company ensures ample liquidity for current operations and strategic growth, evident in its increased capital investments and recent Carnival bunkering contract.

        Stabilis emerges as a compelling long-term growth story in the dynamic LNG market.

      5. Carmell Therapeutics Corporation

        Carmell Therapeutics Corp.’s (CTCX) whopping 21.62% surge in after-hours trading carries significance for traders due to its strategic move in bolstering corporate governance.

        The addition of two distinguished independent directors, Scott Frisch, and Dr. Gilles Spenlehauer, to the board signifies a commitment to robust leadership and diverse expertise.

        Scott Frisch, currently COO and CFO of AARP, brings a wealth of experience in financial management and operational leadership, gleaned from roles at Bank of America and Natixis Asset Management Services. Dr. Spenlehauer, with a background at L’Oreal and Pfizer, contributes extensive knowledge in scientific innovation and pharmaceutical expertise.

        This strategic augmentation of the board enhances Carmell’s capabilities in navigating the dynamic landscape of regenerative medicine.

        Traders should take note of this development, especially during these US stock market opening dates, as it not only reflects a commitment to excellence but also positions Carmell Therapeutics for potential growth and innovation in the competitive biotech sector.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Why Did GSE Systems, Inc. Experience A Surge in After-Hours Trading?

      GSE Systems’ surge is linked to positive updates in its recent earnings call, emphasizing its strategic position in upgrading existing nuclear facilities amidst global momentum for decarbonization.

      What Factors Contributed to Interlink Electronics, Inc.’s After-Hours Jump?

      Interlink Electronics’ rise is attributed to a 66% increase in Q3 2023 revenue, driven by the acquisition of gas-sensor and membrane keypad operations, showcasing significant growth and narrowed losses.

      Should Traders Be Cautious About Edesa Biotech, Inc.’s After-Hours Surge?

      Yes, caution is advised. Edesa Biotech’s sudden uptick lacks clear catalysts, and with proximity to its 52-week low and a high volatility history, thorough research is essential to navigate potential risks.

      Why Is Stabilis Solutions, Inc.’s After-Hours Surge Crucial for Energy Sector Traders?

      Stabilis dominates in small-scale LNG production, backed by robust financials and a global reach. Its focus on turnkey fuel solutions and positive cash flows makes it a compelling long-term growth story in the LNG market.

      What Makes Carmell Therapeutics Corporation’s After-Hours Surge Significant?

      Carmell’s surge is tied to strategic additions to its board, indicating a commitment to strong leadership and diverse expertise. This move positions the company for potential growth and innovation in the competitive biotech sector.

      How Does GSE Systems’ Focus on Upgrading Existing Facilities Align with Market Trends?

      GSE’s focus aligns with the economic realities of higher interest rates and inflation, discouraging nonessential projects. This strategy positions them favorably for sustained growth in the evolving nuclear industry.

      Why Is Interlink Electronics, Inc. Optimistic About Its Future Revenues?

      Interlink Electronics anticipates record-level revenues based on its substantial growth, especially in diverse markets like medical devices, automotive, and consumer electronics.

      What Differentiates Stabilis Solutions, Inc. In The Energy Sector?

      Stabilis stands out with its dominance in small-scale LNG production, turnkey fuel solutions, and strong financials, providing a compelling story for long-term growth in the dynamic LNG market.

      How Does Carmell Therapeutics Corporation’s Board Augmentation Enhance Its Position in The Biotech Sector?

      The addition of distinguished directors enhances Carmell’s capabilities in regenerative medicine, reflecting a commitment to excellence and positioning the company for potential growth and innovation.

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