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      Investor Alert: Top 10 Worst Stocks Today

      By Wasim Omar

      Published on

      November 24, 2023

      1:42 PM UTC

      Investor Alert: Top 10 Worst Stocks Today

      Those attuned to the stock market know well that there is a certain value associated with recognizing where the red flags lie. It is not only an essential skill but the foundation of a solid trading approach.

      As we traverse the financial markets, it’s crucial to be vigilant and well-informed. In this exclusive investor alert, we shed light on top 10 worst stocks today commanding attention– the ones that demand a cautious approach.

      While some stocks soar to new heights, others stumble into precarious territory, presenting unsuspecting investors with unforeseen risks.

      Join us as we delve into the nitty-gritty details of these underperforming equities, dissecting the reasons behind their struggles and offering insights into why steering clear might be the wisest move.

      Arm yourself with knowledge and prudence, as we guide you through the shadows cast by the top 10 worst stocks today, arming you with the awareness needed to navigate today’s market with confidence.

      Today’s Top Losers on Nasdaq

      Within the following list lies a compilation of stocks grappling with various fundamental challenges that severely compromise their outlooks and investment potential.

      We meticulously dissect each, unraveling the intricacies behind their poor performance.

      As we explore the nuances, arm yourself with insights to discern the red flags, ensuring your investment journey steers clear of the following top 10 worst stocks today:

      1. BP PLC

        BP (NYSE: BP) presents serious red flags for investors, among the top 10 worst stocks today.

        The company’s lack of a clear strategy, indecision on fossil fuels vs. renewables, and pressure from politicians have resulted in abysmal stock performance, returning only 32% compared to peers.

        Bloomberg’s energy expert suggests BP needs a complete strategy overhaul, not just a new CEO.

        The focus on lower-return projects outside core oil and gas businesses, coupled with the company’s reliance on its trading unit for windfall profits, adds volatility and raises concerns.

        With a subdued valuation and a cut dividend during the pandemic, BP’s current state doesn’t make it an attractive investment.

      2. Asana

        Asana (NYSE: ASAN) is another name among top 10 worst stocks today to steer clear of as its growth rates rapidly decelerate toward the mid-teens, with over 18 months until projected profitability.

        While boasting a robust balance sheet, the stock’s valuation at 7x forward sales raises concerns.

        Asana’s recent focus on larger enterprise deals, coupled with challenges in the tech sector and potential neglect of the lower market end, poses risks.

        Despite its CEO’s advocacy and a sizable net cash position, Asana’s prolonged path to profitability and diminishing growth rates make it an unattractive investment, overshadowing its strategic positioning in collaborative work management. Investors should exercise caution.

      3. Latham Group, Inc.

        Latham Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: SWIM) is the next name on our list of biggest stock losers this week. Despite a recent 30% correction, red flags persist.

        Q3 FY23 results reveal a 15.1% decline in net sales, driven by significant drops in all product lines.

        With a gross profit margin decrease from 31.1% to 29.9%, the company faces challenges from macroeconomic headwinds and reduced demand.

        Technical analysis shows recent consolidation, but a cautious approach is advised.

        Similarly, the company’s high debt of $322.6 million and a reduced institutional holding of 27.3% are additional warning signs.

        Amidst market challenges and lowered sales guidance, SWIM remains a risky investment among the biggest Nasdaq stock losers today with limited growth potential.

      4. Ameresco, Inc.

        Investors closely watching top losers and gainers should exercise caution with Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) due to some alarming signs.

        The company’s Q3 FY23 results reveal a concerning 24% decline in total revenue, primarily attributed to delayed energy projects converted into backlogs. While the project backlog increased by 41%, it’s contingent on successful execution.

        With a staggering long-term debt of $1.02 billion and a dwindling cash position of $107.7 million, AMRC faces financial strain, potentially hindering future fundraising.

        Trading at a 49% YTD decline and a premium forward P/E multiple of 24.7x, the stock’s valuation seems unjustified, offering minimal growth potential amidst industry headwinds.

        Investors are advised to await improved execution efficiency before considering a position, because for now, AMRC is, just like other biggest stock losers this month, best avoided.

      5. Shoe Carnival

        Shoe Carnival (NASDAQ: SCVL) faces significant concerns in the present climate, following the broader trend of top S&P 500 losers.

        The company’s third-quarter earnings report reveals a 6.4% drop in overall revenue, attributed to ‘unseasonably hot weather.’

        Comparable store sales plunged 7.4%, and net income decreased from $32.7 million to $21.9 million. While certain segments, like online sales and children’s products, showed growth, the overall financial picture is bleak. Projected full-year figures indicate a continued downturn.

        Despite a seemingly attractive valuation, the worsening financials and limited ability to withstand market pressures make Shoe Carnival a risky investment.

        Investors should exercise caution, given the company’s uncertain future amid declining performance. It is certainly an interesting name among falling stocks to buy for the more risk tolerant investors.

      6. Merck & Co., Inc.

        Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE: MRK) is a name among drug manufacturers that the market is well aware of.

        Despite competing against the biggest stock losers last 3 months, as well as recent earnings beats and positive Q3 results, the stock’s prolonged pattern of lower highs and lower lows, along with a convincing long-term MACD ‘sell’ signal, indicates a bearish trend.

        Notably, the stock’s decline over the past seven months suggests caution. While Merck’s dividend metrics remain robust, the forward-dividend yield of 2.87% falls below the inflation rate, potentially diminishing real gains.

        Moreover, declining dividend growth and increased debt pose challenges.

        Investors should exercise caution, considering the risk of a return to the stock’s 40-month moving average of $85 or lower.

      7. Brookfield Corporation

        Brookfield Corporation (NYSE: BN) is the next name on our top losers stock list, a player that raises serious concerns for real estate investors and the wider market in general.

        Following the acquisition of Brookfield Property Partners, its real estate holdings faced challenges, particularly in office and retail sectors impacted by COVID-19.

        The transfer to Brookfield Property Group (BPG) revealed a heavily leveraged position, and the adjustment of real estate values significantly reduced equity. The high yields of BPY and BPO preferred shares suggest potential equity wipeout.

        Similarly, non-recourse debt on properties raises doubts about cash flow positivity, especially with negative FFO and uncertain future property maintenance.

        Shareholder skepticism is evident in BN’s low market price compared to reported capital value, indicating potential overestimation.

      8. Block Inc.

        The recent rebounds of Block, Inc. (NYSE: SQ), and its history of failed Strong Buy calls and underperformance against the S&P 500 highlight severe instability. It is the next name on our list of top 10 loser stocks

        The company’s ambitious goals for 2026, especially a mid-20% adjusted operating income margin, seem overly optimistic, given its current low conversion rates.

        With a projected decline in Cash App business and challenges in improving go-to-market strategies, achieving significant operating leverage is doubtful.

        Similarly, SQ’s “D-” valuation grade signals a substantial premium, and its recent rally appears more like a bear market bounce. Caution is advised, particularly as it approaches the resistant 50-week moving average.

      9. Eastman Chemical

        Eastman Chemical (NYSE: EMN) presents a cautionary tale for investors with a decade of stagnation. It is particularly interesting to traders that closely follow the top US stock gainers and losers.

        Despite a promising acquisition, the company’s revenues in 2022 showed no growth from 2014 levels, signaling persistent struggles.

        Margins dipped, adjusted earnings fell, and a tough 2023 continued, marked by declining sales and earnings. The recent divestment to INEOS adds uncertainty, making it unclear how the business will fare.

        While a 3.9% dividend yield may tempt, the lack of consistent growth and a track record of disappointment suggest that the seemingly low earnings multiples don’t justify the risk. Investors should approach with caution.

      10. Ammo Inc.

        AMMO, Inc. (NASDAQ: POWW) faces alarming red flags, notably a staggering 68% drop in ammunition sales and a 30% decline in Gunbroker marketplace revenues from Q1 2022 to Q3 2023.

        The stock stands among the top US stock losers today, due to these factors.

        The company’s Q1 FY 2024 call reveals an inability to compete effectively in ball ammunition, with doubtful prospects for meaningful profitability. Despite a 47% surge in casing sales, it remains a minor income segment.

        The issuance of Series A Preferred Stock, costing over $3 million annually, restricts cash for growth. Moreover, the suspended spin-off plan and slow buybacks further reflect instability.

        With skeptical CEO remarks and a slow pace of improvement, POWW’s future profitability appears bleak.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Why Should I Pay Attention to Red Flags in The Stock Market?

      Recognizing red flags is crucial for a solid trading approach, helping you avoid risky investments and make informed decisions in the volatile market.

      What Are the Warning Signs for BP PLC As Mentioned in The Article?

      BP faces challenges with a lack of clear strategy, indecision on fossil fuels vs. renewables, and pressure from politicians. Its stock performance is abysmal, returning only 32% compared to peers.

      Why Should Investors Be Cautious About Investing in Asana?

      Asana’s growth rates are decelerating, and despite a robust balance sheet, its valuation at 7x forward sales raises concerns. Prolonged path to profitability and diminishing growth rates make it an unattractive investment.

      What Are the Key Red Flags for Latham Group, Inc.?

      Latham Group, Inc. faces challenges like a decline in net sales, reduced gross profit margin, high debt, and a reduced institutional holding. Amid market challenges and lowered sales guidance, SWIM remains a risky investment.

      Why Should Investors Exercise Caution with Ameresco, Inc.?

      AMRC shows a concerning 24% decline in total revenue, high long-term debt, and a dwindling cash position. The stock’s valuation seems unjustified, offering minimal growth potential amidst industry headwinds.

      What Issues Does Shoe Carnival Face in The Current Climate?

      Shoe Carnival reports a 6.4% drop in overall revenue, with comparable store sales plunging and net income decreasing. Despite seemingly attractive valuation, worsening financials and limited ability to withstand market pressures make it a risky investment.

      Why Should Investors Be Cautious About Merck & Co., Inc.?

      Despite recent earnings beats, Merck & Co. shows a bearish trend with lower highs and lower lows. Declining dividend growth, increased debt, and a potential return to the stock’s 40-month moving average signal caution for investors.

      What Concerns Arise with Brookfield Corporation for Real Estate Investors?

      Brookfield Corporation faces challenges in its real estate holdings, especially in office and retail sectors impacted by COVID-19. High leverage, negative FFO, and uncertainty about future property maintenance raise doubts about cash flow positivity.

      Why Should Investors Be Cautious About Block Inc.?

      Block Inc. has a history of underperformance, and its ambitious goals for 2026 seem optimistic. A projected decline in Cash App business and challenges in improving go-to-market strategies signal doubtful achievement of significant operating leverage.

      What Cautionary Tale Does Eastman Chemical Present for Investors?

      Despite a promising acquisition, Eastman Chemical shows a decade of stagnation with no revenue growth from 2014 levels. Declining sales and earnings, along with the recent divestment, suggest caution for investors despite a tempting 3.9% dividend yield.

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