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      Best US Stocks Dividend to Buy and Hold in 2024

      By Wasim Omar

      Published on

      August 16, 2023

      3:41 PM UTC

      Last Updated on

      August 28, 2023

      12:46 PM UTC

      Best US Stocks Dividend to Buy and Hold in 2024

      In a financial landscape often characterized by rapid changes and short-lived trends, the timeless strategy of investing in US stocks dividend for the long haul remains the best approach to take in the current economic climate.

      As just a few more months remain for 2023, the wisdom of patient and persistent wealth-building comes to the forefront.

      The cadence of the passing months reminds us of the true essence of successful investing – the ability to think beyond immediate fluctuations and focus on building a robust financial future.

      This article is dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of selecting and holding stocks across the US stocks dividend calendar that have stood the test of time and have the potential to weather the uncertainties of the future.

      Long-Term Dividend Strategy

      A Long-Term Dividend Strategy involves a deliberate approach to selecting and holding US stocks dividend with the goal of generating consistent income and capital appreciation over an extended period.

      Long-Term Dividend Strategy

      Here’s a comprehensive strategy for someone seeking long-term dividend picks:

      • Investment Horizon

        Embrace a patient and extended investment horizon, aiming to hold US stocks dividend for several years or even decades to fully realize the benefits of compounding and income growth.

      • Dividend History

        Give preference to companies that have demonstrated a history of reliable dividend payments and, ideally, a pattern of increasing dividends over the years.

        Look for US stocks dividend aristocrats or companies with a history of consecutive annual dividend increases.

      • Sustainable Payout Ratio

        Assess a company’s dividend payout ratio (dividends divided by earnings) to ensure that dividends are sustainable throughout the dividend calendar, and not overly strained by earnings fluctuations.

        A lower payout ratio is generally more favorable for long-term stability.

      • Quality and Moat

        Seek companies with durable competitive advantages or economic moats that protect their revenue streams, ensuring a higher likelihood of sustained cash flows to support dividend payments.

      • Sector Diversification

        Build a diversified portfolio across sectors to reduce risk and capitalize on potential opportunities in various economic cycles.

        This way you would have a collective yield that is attractive relative to US stocks average dividend yield.

      • Dividend Yield and Growth Balance

        Strive for a balance between attractive US stocks dividend yield and potential dividend growth.

        High yields might signal undervaluation but prioritize companies that can sustain and grow dividends over time.

      • Financial Health

        Examine a company’s financial health, including debt levels, cash reserves, and profitability, to ensure it can weather economic downturns without compromising dividend payments.

      • Market Volatility Utilization

        View market downturns as opportunities to accumulate quality dividend stocks at more favorable prices, leveraging dollar-cost averaging to spread out purchases over time.

      • Reinvestment and Compounding

        Consider enrolling in Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs) to automatically reinvest dividends back into purchasing additional shares, harnessing the power of compounding.

      • Continuous Monitoring and Review

        Regularly review the performance and fundamentals of your dividend stocks, ensuring they continue to meet your long-term investment objectives.

      • Emotional Discipline

        Maintain a disciplined approach, refraining from making hasty purchase or sale choices influenced by temporary market fluctuations.

      • Tax Efficiency

        Be mindful of tax implications, as qualified dividends may be taxed at a lower rate. Consult a tax professional to optimize your strategy for tax efficiency.

      • Portfolio Rebalancing

        Regularly adjust your portfolio to maintain alignment with your long-term objectives and risk tolerance.

      • Global Consideration

        Explore opportunities for international dividend stocks to diversify across geographical regions and access different economies.

      Metrics to Consider

      As most investors know, US stocks dividend yield and dividend growth rates are crucial metrics to consider whenever dividend stocks are involved.

      Metrics to Consider
      Stocks Telegraph

      However, over the long term, it holds significance to extend your perspective beyond the immediate.

      Long-term dividend investing requires a more comprehensive evaluation that encompasses both the present and the future stability of a company’s dividend payouts.

      Therefore, we underscore the significance of the following metrics to consider, in this regard:

      • Earnings per Share (EPS)

        Strong and growing earnings can support sustainable dividends.

        Compare a company’s EPS with its dividend payments to assess if dividends are well-covered by earnings.

      • Free Cash Flow

        Free cash flow is the amount of cash a company generates after covering its operating expenses and capital expenditures.

        Adequate free cash flow is essential for maintaining and increasing dividend payments.

      • Debt-to-Equity Ratio

        A substantial debt-to-equity ratio can signal financial strain and influence a company’s capacity to sustain dividend payments.

      • Return on Equity (ROE)

        A higher ROE suggests that a company efficiently generates profits from shareholders’ equity, which can support dividend payments.

      • P/E Ratio

        While not a direct dividend metric, the Price-to-Earnings ratio can offer insights into the valuation of a stock relative to its earnings potential.

        A reasonable P/E ratio suggests a balanced valuation.

      • Revenue and Earnings Growth

        Consistent revenue and earnings growth are positive indicators of a company’s financial health and its potential to sustain and increase dividend payments.

      • Industry and Competitive Landscape

        Evaluate The company’s standing within its sector and its competitive strengths. Strong industry positioning can contribute to stable cash flows and dividends.

      • Management’s Commitment

        Assess management’s history of prioritizing dividends, shareholder-friendly policies, and their strategic focus on long-term value creation.

      • Market Capitalization

        Larger, established companies with a greater market cap may offer more stability and resources to maintain dividends over the long term.

      Economic Outlook for 2024

      It would only be wise to consider what the economic outlook for 2024 is looking like before proceeding with picking long-term dividend stocks for your investment portfolio, in order to gauge the more systematic forms of risk.

      Economic forecasts and trends play a crucial role in shaping the performance of different industries and companies, ultimately impacting the stability and growth potential of dividend-paying stocks.

      As you evaluate potential investments, here are some factors to consider in order to make an informed decision to make the most out of US stocks average dividend yield:

      • Global Growth is Slowing

        In a climate of decelerating global growth, prudent dividend investors should prioritize companies with stable revenue streams and resilient earnings.

        Businesses that have demonstrated the ability to maintain or grow dividends during economic downturns can provide a buffer against the uncertainties of slower growth.

        Industries such as tech, healthcare, and consumer staples, which provide products and services with consistent demand, become attractive choices.

        Dividend investors should emphasize quality and sustainability, favoring companies with solid track records of dividend payments even in challenging economic environments, where US stocks average dividend yield could take a hit.

      • Rising Interest Rates

        As central banks raise interest rates to combat inflation, dividend investors should be cautious of companies with high debt burdens, as increased borrowing costs could strain profitability and dividend payments.

        Prioritize businesses with strong cash flow generation and prudent capital allocation practices.

        While some dividend stocks may experience short-term volatility due to rate hikes, sectors like financials might benefit from a higher interest rate environment, potentially leading to improved interest margins and enhanced profitability that support dividend distributions and US stocks average dividend yield.

      • High Inflation

        Heightened inflation levels prompt dividend investors to seek companies with pricing power, capable of maintaining their profit margins despite rising costs.

        Industries providing essential goods or services, like utilities and healthcare, may offer a hedge against eroding purchasing power.

        Long-term dividend investors can also explore dividend growth strategies, emphasizing companies with a US stocks dividend history of consistent raises.

        These increases can potentially outpace inflation, ensuring that the income received maintains its value over time, even in an inflationary environment.

      Top US Dividend Stocks for the Long-Term

      And now, onto the section that has captured everyone’s anticipation.

      Our US stock dividend list you can buy and hold for 2024, as part of your long-term strategy, to maximize your US stocks average dividend yield.

      1. British American Tobacco

        The first name on our US stock dividend list is British American Tobacco (BTI), the 3rd largest global tobacco company, which stands out for long-term dividend investors.

        Its diverse portfolio includes renowned cigarette brands like Kent and Lucky Strike.

        BAT’s strategic shift towards reduced-risk products led to market leadership in the US and Europe.

        While traditional cigarettes still drive revenue, BTI forecasts 3% – 5% growth due to its global presence.

        This inflation-resistant industry thrives during downturns, evident from a 47% rise in sales during the pandemic.

        Valued attractively among peers and with the highest US stocks dividend yield, BTI maintains a sustainable 65% payout.

        A 8.8% annualized yield, backed by self-funded transformation, makes BTI a robust choice in a resilient sector.

      2. Telephone and Data Systems

        Telephone and Data Systems, Inc (TDS) stands as a resilient Fortune 1000 player, extending high-speed Internet, TV, and phone services across rural and suburban landscapes in multiple states.

        With 1.2 million connections spanning 32 states and an 84% stake in US Cellular (USM), TDS holds sway over 6 million Americans.

        Despite the lead cable hiccup, TDS remains on course to join the Dividend King ranks in 2024, boasting 49 years of uninterrupted dividend growth.

        Favorable TDS preferred shares, yielding ~11%, offer a haven in the telecom sector turmoil.

        Lead sheathing concerns seem surmountable, as TDS forges ahead, primed for a rewarding horizon, better than the US stocks average dividend yield.

      3. Ark Restaurants

        Amidst the challenges faced by Ark Restaurants (NASDAQ: ARKR), its solid balance sheet and strategic efforts stand out.

        Despite recent setbacks, including pandemic impact and margin contraction, the company holds a manageable long-term debt and substantial cash reserves.

        This positions it well to endure short-term hardships and potential recession risks.

        With a current dividend yield of 4.13% (rising to 5.50% if dividends are fully reinstated), Ark Restaurants presents an enticing opportunity for patient, long-term dividend growth investors.

        While navigating inflation and a potential recession, the company’s steady revenue growth and debt reduction underscore its resilience.

        For those willing to weather near-term uncertainties, Ark Restaurants holds promise for sustained dividend gains.

      4. Cisco Systems

        Next up on our US stock dividend list, Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) shines as a prime pick for long-term dividend investors.

        Impressively, despite its extensive scope and modest revenue growth, the management maintains stellar profitability.

        The company’s solid US stocks dividend history and consecutive hikes attest to its commitment to rewarding shareholders.

        Notably, Cisco adeptly navigates challenges, boasting robust YoY revenue growth even in a demanding landscape.

        With a burgeoning global market of untapped internet users, Cisco’s colossal scale and execution prowess position it to seize substantial growth opportunities.

        This “Strong Buy” stock showcases unwavering financial strength, an impressive balance sheet, and a sustainable dividend growth outlook, bolstering its appeal for astute investors.

      5. Oracle

        Oracle (NYSE: ORCL) emerges as a compelling choice for long-term dividend investors, despite initial skepticism, and the last name on our US stock dividend list.

        While its current yield of 1.15% trails the S&P 500 average, focus on sustained dividend growth – an impressive 10% since 2010 (excluding 2009) – signals its potential.

        Notably, substantial share repurchases and a transition to cloud services have fortified Oracle’s position.

        Enhanced topline growth, declining capital expenditure, and forecasted earnings growth of 8% and 13% over the next 2 years underscore a robust dividend outlook.

        Oracle’s stable enterprise-focused model, coupled with a declining payout ratio, positions it favorably for prudent investors seeking enduring dividends.

      Total Return Potential – Beyond Dividends

      Investors seeking dividend stocks as part of a long-term strategy can enjoy benefits beyond just dividends.

      While dividends provide a consistent stream of income, a long-term dividend investing approach offers a range of additional advantages that contribute to overall portfolio growth and stability.

      Here are some of the benefits:

      • Total Return Potential

        Long-term dividend stocks have the potential to deliver not only dividend income but also capital appreciation over time.

        Reinvested dividends can contribute significantly to the total return of an investment, harnessing the power of compounding to amplify gains.

      • Compounding Effect

        Reinvesting dividends allows for the compounding effect, where the reinvested income generates additional income, creating a snowball effect that accelerates wealth accumulation over the long term and maximizes US stocks dividend yield.

      • Lower Volatility

        Dividend-paying companies often exhibit more stable stock prices, leading to reduced volatility in the portfolio.

        This stability can provide a cushion during market downturns and contribute to smoother long-term investment returns.

      • Quality and Resilience

        Companies that prioritize dividend payments tend to be more financially stable and well-established, making them less vulnerable to economic fluctuations.

        Investing in such companies can offer a measure of resilience against market uncertainties.

      • Discipline and Patience

        Long-term dividend investing encourages discipline and patience. Investors are less likely to be swayed by short-term market fluctuations, enabling them to stay focused on their investment objectives and avoid impulsive decisions.

      • Income Stream in Retirement

        For retirees or those planning for retirement, a portfolio of long-term dividend stocks with a great US stocks dividend yield can provide a consistent income stream, helping to meet ongoing financial needs without depleting the principal.

      • Inflation Hedge

        Dividend growth can potentially outpace inflation, helping to maintain the purchasing power of income over time.

        Companies that regularly raise dividends may provide a hedge against rising living costs.

      • Potential Tax Advantages

        In some jurisdictions, qualified dividends may be subject to lower tax rates than other forms of investment income, such as interest or short-term capital gains.

      • Behavioral Benefits

        Long-term dividend investing promotes a buy-and-hold mentality, discouraging frequent trading and market-timing attempts.

        This can lead to reduced transaction costs and more consistent, rational investment decisions.

      • Wealth Transfer and Legacy Planning

        Long-term dividend stocks can be valuable assets for intergenerational wealth transfer, allowing investors to pass on a source of income and potential capital appreciation to heirs.

      The Importance of Stable Leadership

      Stable leadership is of paramount importance when evaluating companies for long-term dividend investments.

      Consistent and effective leadership provides a solid foundation for a company’s ability to maintain and grow its dividend payments over time, making it a critical factor for dividend-focused investors.

      Most importantly, stable leadership is associated with consistent decision-making and strategic direction.

      A company with a consistent leadership team is more likely to maintain a steady dividend payment track record, giving dividend investors the assurance of regular income.

      Moreover, long-term dividend investors often seek companies that not only pay dividends but also have the potential to increase those payments over time.

      Stable leadership can lead to prudent financial management, which is crucial for generating excess cash flows that can be reinvested into higher dividend payments.

      At the end of the day, this is all about shareholder value creation.

      Executives who have been with the company for a longer period are more likely to align their decisions with the interests of dividend-seeking shareholders, aiming to maximize US stocks dividend yield and overall total returns.

      Leveraging Downturns for Advantage

      For long-term dividend investors, downturns and bear markets can be leveraged strategically to enhance their advantage.

      During market declines, dividend stocks often experience price drops, leading to higher US stocks dividend yield.

      It is crucial to understand that downturns offer an opportunity to purchase high-quality dividend stocks at discounted prices.

      As stock prices fall, dividend yields increase, making it an ideal time to add to your dividend portfolio. This positions you to lock in higher yields for the long term.

      Similarly, dividends provide a reliable income stream, even when stock prices are plummeting.

      This income can help cushion the impact of market downturns and offer peace of mind, allowing investors to wait out the storm without the need to sell assets.

      In essence, dividend investors can navigate bear markets by capitalizing on discounted prices, maximizing reinvestment effects, and staying committed to their long-term income objectives.

      Embracing market volatility as an opportunity rather than a threat can ultimately strengthen the potential for sustained dividend income and growth.


      As we approach the final months of 2023, the value of patient and persistent wealth-building takes center stage.

      The passage of time reinforces the essence of successful investing – the ability to transcend immediate fluctuations and prioritize a resilient financial future.

      This article has delved into the intricacies of selecting and maintaining dividend stocks that have stood the test of time and exhibit the potential to thrive amid future uncertainties.

      The Long-Term Dividend Strategy underscores the significance of investment horizon, US stocks dividend history, sustainable payout ratios, quality, sector diversification, and more.

      In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, the wisdom of long-term dividend investing remains a beacon of stability and opportunity, guiding investors toward enduring prosperity and financial well-being.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Is It Risky to Live Off Dividends?

      Yes, it can be risky to live off dividends, especially if you have a large portfolio. In the event of a stock market decline, your dividend could be cut or even eliminated.

      You also need to make sure that your portfolio is diversified enough to withstand a market downturn.

      Is There a Downside to Long-Term Dividend Investing?

      Yes, there are a few downsides to long-term dividend investing. First, you may not get the same returns as you would with other types of investments, such as growth stocks.

      Second, you may have to pay more taxes on dividends than on capital gains. Third, dividend stocks can be more volatile than other types of stocks.

      How Much Dividends Does $1 Million Make?

      The number of dividends you would receive from $1 million depends on the dividend yield of the stocks in your portfolio.

      A US stocks dividend yield of 3% would generate about $30,000 in dividends per year.

      What Stocks Have Paid the Longest Dividends?

      Some of the stocks that have paid the longest dividends include AT&T, Coca-Cola, and Johnson & Johnson.

      These companies have a long US stocks dividend history and are considered to be relatively safe investments.

      How Can I Make $1000 A Month Passively, Through Dividends?

      To make $1000 a month passively through dividends, you would need to invest about $300,000 in dividend stocks with a US stocks dividend yield of 3%.

      This is a significant amount of money, but it is possible to achieve it over time with disciplined investing.

      Are Monthly Dividends Better Than Yearly Dividends?

      This question doesn’t have a conclusive response. Some investors prefer monthly dividends because they provide a steady stream of income.

      Others prefer yearly dividends because they are larger and can be used to make a lump sum investment.

      Is Dividend Investing Better Than Growth?

      Dividend investing and growth investing are both valid investment strategies.

      Dividend investing focuses on stocks that pay dividends, while growth investing focuses on stocks that are expected to grow in value over time.

      A universal solution does not apply to which strategy is better. It depends on your individual goals and risk tolerance.

      Do Dividends Increase Wealth?

      Yes, dividends can increase wealth over time. Investing in dividend-paying stocks essentially involves purchasing a share of a company that is generating profits.

      Those profits are then paid out to shareholders in the form of dividends. As the company grows and profits increase, so too will your dividends. This can help you accumulate wealth gradually.

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