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      Crypto Greed and Fear Index: How the Sentiments of the Investors are Holding Up - Stocks Telegraph

      By Ammar Mukhtar

      Published on

      July 14, 2022

      3:50 PM UTC

      Crypto Greed and Fear Index: How the Sentiments of the Investors are Holding Up - Stocks Telegraph

      The Crypto Greed and Fear Index is an instrument or information base that investigators have created to get a superior comprehension of individuals’ viewpoints and sentiments. The primary objective of this rundown is to gauge and rate on a size of 1 to 100 the perspectives found through web-based entertainment, as well as the volume, force, and other relevant elements.

      Rankings are given by the file in view of the two limits. 1 shows that dealers are reluctant to open positions and that there is a ton of dread on the lookout. Then again, a worth 100 implies that individuals are today extraordinarily insatiable.

      At the time of writing, the market is rattled with extreme fear Our prediction is that the market fear will continue to rise with the coming global recession. Numerically, the Greed and Fear Index is around 18 but we expect it to drop to 11 in the coming two months.

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