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      Crypto Market: Recent Highlights and Developments of the Week - Stocks Telegraph

      By Ammar Mukhtar

      Published on

      July 6, 2022

      6:22 AM UTC

      Crypto Market: Recent Highlights and Developments of the Week - Stocks Telegraph

      Here are the top developments that happened around the crypto market:

      • In the past 24 hours, we have seen an increase of about 4% in the price of Bitcoin and we have noticed that the price has reached about $20k. Overall in a week, there is a drop of about 4.82% in the price.
      • Ethereum on the other hand has gained about 8% in its price and it looks like the coin is leading this rally in the market. At the time of writing, ETH is being traded at the price of almost $1.1k.
      • KuCoin CEO Johnny Lyu denied the bits of gossip pertaining that the trading platform has no openness to LUNA, 3AC, Babel, and so forth. Alluding to various news and rumors on social media,Lyu added that there is exposure to such coins and no arrangement to stop withdrawal and that everything on KuCoin is working great.
      • Coinbase said that they have been driving a deliberate effort to fortify their presence in Europe: they met with policymakers in the UK, laid out a territorial Center of Excellence in Ireland,
      • A programmer compromised the Twitter and YouTube profiles of the British Army on Sunday to push individuals toward digital money scams, as per CNBC. The Twitter record’s name was changed to “pssssd,” and its profile and pennant pictures were changed to look like a NFT assortment called The Possessed.
      • Meta, Facebook’s parent organization, will close down Novi, the organization’s advanced wallet payment platform on September 1. Clients need to pull out any leftover money in their Novi accounts before then, by deciding to move it to their other accounts or pull out it as money where relevant, said the organization.
      • DeFi stage WonderFi Technologies has obtained the Canadian Coinberry crypto trading platform. 25% (2 of 8) of generally directed crypto-exchanging platforms in Canada are presently under the WonderFi umbrella with additional arranged acquisitions to come in Canada and conceivably universally

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