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      The Best Performing ETFs in November 2023

      By Wasim Omar

      Published on

      November 14, 2023

      12:07 PM UTC

      The Best Performing ETFs in November 2023

      For any investor, the emphasis on tailoring investment strategies to individual preferences cannot be overstated. In this month’s exploration, we delve into the best performing ETFs in November that have weathered the ever-shifting market currents.

      We stress the critical importance of considering investors’ personal preferences to create an effective and durable portfolio. If investors do not have conviction about the long-term efficacy of their portfolios, they are likely to make detrimental changes when adverse short-term market conditions occur.

      Our analysis focuses not just on short-term gains but on constructing portfolios that align with investors’ unique goals and risk tolerances.

      Join us as we dissect the trends and unveil the best performing ETFs in November that have not only weathered the recent storm but also offer a strategic beacon for those navigating the ongoing challenges of the market.

      ETF Winners from November

      Now, let’s turn our attention to the best performing ETFs in November, that have upped the financial arena with their remarkable figures.

      As we zero in on these top performers, it becomes evident that these investment vehicles have not merely adapted but thrived amidst the market’s November dynamics.

      1. The AdvisorShares Pure US Cannabis ETF

        The AdvisorShares Pure US Cannabis ETF (NYSE: MSOS) stands out as a compelling choice among the best performing ETFs in November due to notable improvements in the cannabis industry.

        With holdings featuring companies like Green Thumb Industries and Curaleaf, MSOS is positioned to benefit from the removal of the 280e tax burden, enhancing overall industry fundamentals.

        The recent catalyst of cannabis rescheduling further transforms the landscape, making U.S.-based companies more attractive.

        MSOS’s focused strategy allocates at least 80% of assets to firms deriving over 50% of revenue from the U.S. cannabis sector, with an emphasis on pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

        Despite potential risks, the imminent rescheduling and elimination of oppressive tax obligations make MSOS a buy, offering investors exposure to a rejuvenated and potentially lucrative cannabis market.

      2. The Pacer US Cash Cows 100 ETF

        The Pacer US Cash Cows 100 ETF (AMEX: COWZ) stands out as a compelling choice this November for savvy investors. Managed by Pacer Advisors, COWZ distinguishes itself by strategically minimizing exposure to the financial sector, a unique approach in today’s market.

        Tracking the Pacer US Cash Cows 100 Index, comprised of lucrative large and mid-sized American companies, COWZ targets those generating substantial free cash flow (cash cows).

        Boasting a commendable 5-star Morningstar rating, COWZ employs a meticulous strategy. Focused on high-quality, large-cap cash cows, the ETF seeks long-term capital appreciation by identifying stocks trading at a discount.

        Moreover, its total return of 85.6% in the last 5 years exceeds the S&P 500’s total return of 68.11%.

        Notably, COWZ exhibits a sector breakdown favoring energy and healthcare, aligning with its high cash flow strategy.

        Despite a modest upfront yield of 2.1%, the fund has achieved an impressive 20% dividend growth rate over the last five years, surpassing sector averages, among some of the best performing ETFs in November.

      3. SPDR® Dow Jones® REIT ETF

        Amidst a decade of lackluster performance in real estate investment trusts (REITs), the SPDR® Dow Jones® REIT ETF (NYSEARCA: RWR) emerges as a compelling pick among best performing ETFs in November.

        Traditionally trailing the S&P 500, REITs may be on the brink of a turnaround, making RWR particularly intriguing.

        Designed to mirror the Dow Jones U.S. Select REIT Index, RWR provides investors with exposure to publicly traded REIT securities in the U.S. The fund’s commitment to diversity, stability, and a consistent yield over the past decade sets it apart.

        Notably, RWR focuses on sectors like industrial and healthcare REITs, showcasing resilience during economic uncertainties.

        With the Federal Reserve’s pause on rate hikes, RWR presents an enticing opportunity for long-term real estate sector exposure, though potential risks from rising interest rates loom on the horizon. Consider RWR for a well-rounded, future-oriented REIT investment.

      4. The Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF

        The Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (VIG) emerges as an excellent pick for November, offering a stress-free, “set it and forget it” approach to wealth-building and dividend growth.

        With a low expense ratio of 0.06%, VIG focuses on companies with a history of increasing earnings and dividends. Its blended portfolio style, balancing value and growth holdings, minimizes volatility, making it resilient in market downturns.

        Technology-heavy at 22%, VIG includes top-tier holdings like Microsoft and Apple. Notably, its 5-year CAGR of 9.52% outpaces the sector median, promising sustained dividend growth.

        While competitors might offer higher starting yields, VIG’s balanced income and growth strategy positions it as an ideal choice for investors seeking a reliable, long-term investment in a flourishing U.S. economy.

      5. InfraCap MLP ETF

        Consider the InfraCap MLP ETF (AMZA) as a standout choice this November. Despite a high-risk profile due to leverage and concentration, its compelling valuation and robust technical momentum make it a compelling buy.

        With a forward dividend yield of 8%, AMZA focuses on midstream master limited partnerships (MLPs), using a leverage strategy to target strong total returns.

        The ETF’s emphasis on high current income, security-level fundamental analysis, and options strategies contribute to its solid performance, outpacing broader energy and utility sectors.

        While liquidity and a 1.64% expense ratio pose challenges, the A+ rated fund by Momentum and favorable valuation, including a low P/E ratio of 10.6, make AMZA an attractive proposition for investors willing to navigate its inherent risks.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Why Should I Focus on Tailoring My Investment Strategy?

      Tailoring your strategy to personal preferences ensures a durable portfolio aligned with your unique goals and risk tolerance, preventing detrimental changes during short-term market fluctuations.

      What Makes the AdvisorShares Pure US Cannabis ETF a Compelling Choice?

      MSOS, with holdings like Green Thumb Industries, benefits from the removal of the 280e tax burden and the recent catalyst of cannabis rescheduling, making U.S.-based companies more attractive in a rejuvenated market.

      Why Consider the Pacer US Cash Cows 100 ETF?

      COWZ strategically minimizes exposure to the financial sector, tracks lucrative American companies generating substantial free cash flow, and boasts a commendable 5-star Morningstar rating, delivering a 20% dividend growth rate over the last five years.

      What Sets the SPDR® Dow Jones® REIT ETF Apart?

      RWR, mirroring the Dow Jones U.S. Select REIT Index, focuses on sectors like industrial and healthcare REITs, presenting an enticing opportunity for long-term real estate sector exposure amid a potential turnaround and the Federal Reserve’s pause on rate hikes.

      Why Is the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF an Excellent Pick?

      VIG’s low expense ratio, balanced portfolio style, and technology-heavy holdings like Microsoft and Apple contribute to its 5-year CAGR of 9.52%, making it a reliable, long-term investment for dividend growth in a flourishing U.S. economy.

      What Makes the InfraCap MLP ETF Stand Out?

      Despite risks, AMZA’s high forward dividend yield of 8%, focus on midstream MLPs, and robust technical momentum, along with a favorable valuation, make it a compelling buy for investors willing to navigate its challenges.

      How Does MSOS Position Itself for Success in the Cannabis Industry?

      MSOS positions itself by allocating at least 80% of assets to firms deriving over 50% of revenue from the U.S. cannabis sector, focusing on pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, and benefiting from favorable industry improvements.

      What is COWZ’s Unique Approach in Today’s Market?

      COWZ strategically minimizes exposure to the financial sector, focusing on high-quality, large-cap cash cows, and achieving a total return of 85.6% in the last 5 years, surpassing the S&P 500’s total return.

      Why Should I Consider RWR For Real Estate Sector Exposure?

      RWR, designed to mirror the Dow Jones U.S. Select REIT Index, focuses on sectors like industrial and healthcare REITs, presenting an enticing opportunity for long-term real estate sector exposure amid potential market turnaround and the Federal Reserve’s pause on rate hikes.

      What Makes VIG A Stress-Free Investment Choice?

      VIG’s low expense ratio of 0.06%, balanced income, and growth strategy, and a 5-year CAGR of 9.52% provide a stress-free, “set it and forget it” approach for investors seeking reliable, long-term growth and dividend appreciation.

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